Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Skateboarding in the Cave!

Is always aloud!!!

This is some of the shit I'm into:

This is my shit:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

10 Bands always in the Cave

The Best Doom band ever.

2:Johnny Hobo and The Freight Trains
Super Awesome Folk-Punk.

3:Electric Wizard
Great Dope Smoking Doom.

The Best Southern
Style Doom band.

An Amazing Sludge/Doom band.

6:Red Sparowes
A mind expanding Post-Rock band.

The Best Southern
Ambient Post-Rock/Doom band.

An Awesome faster paced Post-Rock band.

Nothing needs to be said about the last two bands.


10:Operation Ivy

The Band Within The Cave

Golem's Cave's Bat's
Are the band within the Cave.
We are a collective of Dark Souls!
Our sound varies in Doom, Sludge, Ambient, Post-Rock, and Folk Punk.
We have no recordings yet and have yet to play a show, we hope for all that to change soon.